Flower honeyBees gather it on the blossoms of fruit trees and meadow plants. It is nektar origin. The color isfrom brown to yellow . It has a pleasant taste and odor. It is used to strengthen the body andimmune system. Especially recommended for the patients with low blood pressure and heart disease .Acacia honeyIs very sweet, bright yellow color and a pleasant delicate flavor , so it is also called " the Lady "Frilled flowers on the acacia trees. Clear and very slowly crystallizes, it means that the slowsolidify. Acacia honey soothes and relieves fatigue and helps in overcoming stress. Due to the mild tasteis very popular with children .Lime honeyThe color is pale yellow to yellow-green. It has a strong smell of linden flowers and menthol . It helps tovarious diseases flu in colds, insomnia and mental ailments. A beneficial effect onspasms.Forest honeyLight to dark brown colour. Among the most honeydew origin, is disrupted orclear. It contains a lot of minerals and mineral substances which reduce the level of anemia. strengthensthe immune system and helps with the inflammation of the throat .Chestnut honeyBrown to dark brown in color with a slight reddish reflection. It has a strong odor and bitter taste, thisoriginates from a large content of pollen. Richest in mineral substances of all honeys.Recommendedto promote digestion , to improve the functioning of the liver and chronic diseases of the stomach .When added to the hot drinks care that the liquid is not warmer than 40 degrees Celsius, so wekeep all the ingredients of honey